Providing protection for Australian native animals.



The Goal

Find a simple solution that could help wildlife that are in danger, injured or in need of help.


What is it all about?

Create a platform that could help people to find all the resources needed to support an animal injured or in need of help.


What did we find out?

During the research process the most relevant insights were:

- Lack of education about how to deal with wildlife.

- People want to find all the resources in the same place.

- Weak internet connection in remote areas.


Who did we discover?

The research helped develop a persona who we named ‘Selina’ her characteristics included:

- Being able to help an animal without causing any distress

- Needs a very graphic and user-friendly platform 

- She wants to have a platform that could help educate people about wildlife and their needs.


What’s the problem?

Selina needs to find an easy access source about wildlife so that she will be able to use it during her walks in case she comes across any animal needing help.


What’s the solution?

The MVP for this app helps the user to identify the type of wild animal that requires help by using the following options:

- Searching by animal classification

- Searching by geographical location

- Searching by photo (taken on a mobile camera)


Would like to see it?

Check out the mid-fidelity prototype below

Keep archetype(s) or persona(s) close to you along the process.

Having a clear and well structured archetype(s) or persona(s) is a key tool that can help you to make relevant decisions during the process.

They can help you to find answers and clear any doubts that are presented during the design process.

Keep yourself open to the findings.

When you work on something that you have knowledge and are passionate about it is very easy to let yourself be influenced by your personal bias. Use your knowledge objectively and let the research help you with the process and decisions.

Look at what is already out there.

Analysing the competitors will help you to identify the opportunities and analysing the comparators will show you how to use those opportunities.

What did I learn from this project?


Brighte | Full case


WildLife | Full case